What are h pylori symptoms? And how to treat it?

What are h pylori symptoms? And how to treat it?
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Symptoms of H Pylori

Many physical symptoms of stomach bacteria appear in an individual, and the most prominent of these symptoms are the following:

  • Feeling pain and burning in the abdomen, and the pain can get worse if the stomach is empty.
  • Feeling constantly nauseous.
  • Loss or decrease in appetite, is contrary to what people think, as many of them believe that hunger is a symptom of h pylori.
  • A breathing problem occurs.
  • Feeling a heartburn.
  • Sudden rise in body temperature.
  • Burping frequently.
  • The feeling of bloating.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Anemia occurs.
  • Fatigue and feeling extremely tired without a clear justification.
  • Pale skin color appears.
  • Feeling sharp, unbearable pain in the stomach.
  • To have bad breath.
  • diarrhea.
  • Uncomfortable feeling in the abdomen.



Causes of H Pylori

Stomach bacteria are considered one of the most dangerous bacteria that can infect the stomach or intestinal wall because they are the main cause of ulcers later on. 

Many reasons can increase the risk of contracting the bacteria, including the following:

  • Contacting the saliva of a patient infected with the germ, whether through spray or using any of his tools.
  • To deal with the waste and waste of a person infected with the bacteria.
  • Drink water that is contaminated with bacteria.
  • Eating any type of contaminated or exposed food.
  • Not cleaning the mobile phone regularly.
  • Being in any place that is unhealthy or polluted.



Psychological symptoms of H Pylori

Many psychological symptoms appear in the patient due to Helicobacter pylori, in addition to the physical symptoms that the patient suffers from. 

The psychological and physical symptoms require taking some special medications to treat them, and the most prominent psychological symptoms of the bacteria are:

  • Feeling depressed.
  • Having anxiety.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Having mental stress.
  • Constant feeling of joint and muscle pain.
  • Always feel chronically tired.
  • Lack of concentration and distraction.
  • Having a headache.
  • Sleep disturbances occur greatly.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Occurrence of heart rhythm disturbances.



Is stomach bacteria contagious or??

Yes, the germ is considered contagious, and you must take many preventive measures to protect members of your household if someone is exposed to it.

The bacteria can be transmitted from one person to another through several ways, including saliva, spray, or from a person’s waste.

Therefore, you must always be careful to wash your hands after using the toilet, or before eating. The germ may also be transmitted to a person by touching contaminated water or eating contaminated food. If general hygiene is neglected, the person may be at high risk of contracting a germ infection.



H Pylori analysis

You can detect the bacteria that can cause many cases of gastritis or stomach ulcers, through many medical tests that are performed, the most prominent of which are the following:

The first test you can do to find out if you have been infected with the bacteria is the Urea Breath Test, which is also called the urea carbon isotope breath test. The test is performed as follows:

It is necessary to stop taking medications and antibiotics for at least two weeks, after which you swallow a special substance consisting of urea, which is a substance produced in the body when proteins are broken down. 

  • In the event of infection with bacteria, urea turns into carbon dioxide, which is detected by the Exhale method and this is done after 10 minutes.
  • Analysis of the bacteria through the blood for antibodies of the immunoglobulin M type, which is used to detect infection.
  • Analysis of the bacteria through the blood for antibodies of the immunoglobulin M type, which is used to detect infection.
  • Stool bacteria analysis, or Helicobacter Pylori Stool Antigen Test, is used to diagnose the infection and confirm the recovery process after you receive treatment.



The form of H Pylori

It is a spiral-shaped bacteria that lives and reproduces within the lining walls of the stomach, and most often patients infected with Helicobacter pylori do not show any symptoms or problems.

However, it is considered one of the main causes of many stomach diseases, including ulcers. As for color, its color changes according to many factors, but the most common color is black or dark, and the reason for this is the presence of blood in the stool as a result of the stomach ulcer that causes it. Caused by bacteria.



Complications of Helicobacter pylori infection

Here we will explain many of the complications that occur as a result of infection with the bacteria, the most prominent of which are the following:


  • Stomach ulcers: Helicobacter pylori can cause damage to the lining that protects the stomach and small intestine.
  • Inflammation of the stomach lining: Helicobacter pylori can irritate the stomach, which also causes inflammation.
  • Stomach cancer: Infection with Helicobacter pylori and failure to treat it are serious factors that can significantly increase the risk of stomach cancer.



Methods that must be followed to prevent Helicobacter pylori

There are some tips and methods that must be followed to prevent the possibility of contracting the germ, and these methods and tips include the following:

  • You must make sure to wash vegetables and fruits well before eating them.
  • Do not share utensils while eating or drinking with other people.
  • Wash your hands well before preparing food, and also before and after eating.
  • Sterilize water, especially well water.
  • You should avoid eating acidic substances, spicy food, and fats.
  • Reduce eating too much chocolate.
  • You must completely abstain from smoking.
  • Refrain from drinking too much coffee.


After this article, we have presented to you all the details that you would like to know about stomach bacteria and its most important and prominent causes and symptoms. We have also presented some tips and methods that can help you reduce the risk of contracting this disease, and you can learn more medical details and information about it. By following the Spirit Pharmacy blog, the best online pharmacy in Kuwait.

