
Best iron pills - benefits and how to treat anemia

Best iron pills - benefits and how to treat anemia
  • posted_by : Ahmad Ram
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What is anemia?

Anemia is a medical condition in which the amount of red blood cells in the body is insufficient to transport oxygen to the tissues, and there are many types of anemia, each of which has its own cause, and anemia can be a continuous or temporary condition, depending on the severity of the condition.



What is the most essential treatment for anemia?

Anemia is treated according to the cause behind its occurrence. There are several reasons that may result in anemia, including the following:


  1. Treatment of anemia caused by a lack of iron stores. In most cases, this type of anemia is treated by taking iron supplements.
  2. Treatment of anemia resulting from a lack of vitamins This type is treated by injections of vitamin B12.
  3. Treatment of anemia associated with chronic diseases There is no specific treatment for anemia of this type.
  4. Treatment of aplastic anemia: It is treated by giving blood into the veins to increase the amount of red blood cells in the body.
  5. Treatment of anemia resulting from diseases of the bone marrow: it is treated through bone marrow transplantation and chemotherapy.
  6. Treatment of anemia resulting from hemolysis: The treatment of this condition includes taking therapeutic drugs that can suppress the immune system attacking red blood cells.
  7. Treatment of sickle cell anemia: Treatment of this type includes monitoring and monitoring the levels of oxygen in the body, in addition to taking pain-relieving medications.



Causes of anemia

Types of anemia can be divided according to their cause as follows:


1. Iron deficiency anemia

The cause of this type is the bone marrow's need for iron in order to produce hemoglobin, and if there is not enough of it, this may lead to a decrease in the productivity of red blood cells.


2. Anemia due to a lack of vitamins

There are many vitamins that the body needs to produce enough red blood cells, such as vitamin B12 and folic acid, and an incomplete diet can lead to a decrease in the production of red blood cells, in addition to the presence of some people whose body is not able to absorb vitamin B12 effectively.


3. Infection with chronic diseases

Anemia occurs in this case due to the body's infection with many chronic diseases such as cancer, gout, Crohn's disease, kidney failure, and so on.


4. Aplastic anemia

It is a rare type of anemia, but life-threatening, and usually occurs due to a lack of bone marrow's ability to produce all types of blood cells.



Causes of iron deficiency

There are many reasons for iron deficiency in the body, the most important of which are the following:

  • Not eating enough iron-rich food.
  • Excess need for iron, as there are cases that need iron more than others, such as teenage girls, lactating women, pregnant women, and those who suffer from heavy menstruation.
  • Babies who drink cow's milk and not their mother's milk.
  • The presence of problems in the body's absorption of iron is a result of some health conditions such as stomach surgery and digestive disorders.
  • Loss of blood as a result of bleeding or any other reasons, such as bleeding from the intestines and stomach, and heavy menstruation.



Iron pills to treat anemia

Iron deficiency can be treated by eating iron-rich foods. If this does not work, iron pills are used to treat this condition, including the following:


1. Four Ferro Iron Grains 30 pieces

Four Ferro Iron Pills 30 tablets are effective and powerful in treating iron deficiency, and are characterized by not causing any side effects in the digestive system.


2. Evol Plus Iron Pills for the Treatment of Iron Deficiency 30 Pills


Evol Plus is 30 tablets of supplements containing iron and folic acid in addition to vitamin C and B vitamins and is used to treat an iron deficiency as well as anemia caused by pregnancy or the presence of chronic disease or kidney problems.


Folic acid helps the growth of tissues of both mother and baby during pregnancy, as well as iron, which is one of the body's main minerals, and helps in the formation of hemoglobin as well as the transport of oxygen to all parts of the body.


This is in addition to the presence of vitamin C which improves the absorption of iron, and B vitamins that help convert fats, carbohydrates, and proteins that the body can benefit from.


During pregnancy, the body's need for certain minerals and vitamins increases, of which Euful Plus can provide a sufficient amount for the health of the mother and her fetus.


3. Pure Health Iron Tri Iron 30 tablets

 Pure Health Iron Tri-Iron 30 pills work to form hemoglobin and red blood naturally, which helps in treating iron deficiency in the blood.


4. Globe Fair Forte 40 tablets

Globe Fair Forte 40 tablets is a Belgian remedy for the treatment of anemia and anemia. It is composed of both iron and hemoglobin. Among the characteristics of this treatment are the following:


  • It does not cause side effects in the digestive system such as constipation or stomach cramps.
  • It is used in cases of iron deficiency anemia to restore the amount of iron as well as hemoglobin levels to their normal levels.
  • It can be used in many areas, such as women's health during long and heavy periods of menstruation, which leads to a decrease in the body's stock of iron.
  • In cases of kidney disease, heart disease, and the digestive system due to the common deficiency of hemoglobin and iron in these cases.
  • It is also used in cases of hair loss due to low body stores of iron.



Benefits of iron pills

Iron pills are important when your body can't make enough red blood cells. This exposes you to a feeling of exhaustion, fatigue, and shortness of breath, in addition to a pale face, palpitations, and a lack of energy. In the following lines, we learn about the benefits and importance of iron pills:


1. Anemia

One of the most well-known benefits of iron pills is in helping to treat anemia caused by a lack of iron stores in the body.


2. Fatigue and fatigue

In the event that you suffer from an unjustified feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, iron pills can help you relieve this feeling.


3. Improvement in RLS scores

Restless leg syndrome causes the urge to move both legs, which occurs as a result of the feeling of discomfort. This syndrome usually occurs during sleep, which leads to a feeling of restlessness and not getting enough sleep.



In the end, we note the need to treat iron deficiency and take iron pills quickly, due to the many damages it causes to the body, so that a person with this condition cannot practice his life completely normally, and when confirming the iron deficiency in your body, you can order iron pills that are available online At Spirit Pharmacy in Kuwait.
