Pariet is intended to treat stomach ulcers and ulcer-industration complications. It works with the mechanism
of regulating the digestive cycle, which reduces the chances of ulcer occurrence and also reduces its side
adulation and treatment completely, thanks to the containment of rapirazol, which is the cause of the reduction
of stomach acid where it controls the pumping of proton in the stomach.
Uses of Barrett's drug:
Treatment of stomach ulcers .
Treats esophageal reflux.
Eliminates bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.
Get rid of excess secretions in the stomach.
Treats acidity and indigestion.
Driving is prohibited while taking this treatment.
Pregnancy and lactation
Not suitable for children.
Anaphylaxis towards a component of the drug.
It is forbidden to take it for osteoporosis patients.
Pharmaceutical interferences:
The Marian.
Antivirals: (Atazanavir, Rilbivirin and Nervinavir).
Medications whose absorption is affected by stomach ingesting.
According to the doctor's instructions.