Causes of iron deficiency and methods of treating it.

Iron deficiency is a common issue that can lead to fatigue and reduced daily performance. We explain its causes and treatment.
What are the causes of iron deficiency in the body?
A person can develop iron deficiency because he does not eat enough iron-rich food or his body loses a large amount of it, in addition to many other reasons, so the most prominent causes of iron deficiency can be explained as follows:
- The body does not get enough iron from food due to a diet poor in iron.
- Frequent blood donation as this depletes a large store of iron.
- internal bleeding
- Kidney disease.
Causes of anemia
The types of anemia vary according to the causes of its occurrence, and these reasons include the following:
Anemia due to iron deficiency
It is the most common type of anemia. Your bone marrow needs iron in order to form hemoglobin. In the absence of enough iron, the body is unable to produce enough hemoglobin for red blood cells.
It also causes the loss of a large amount of blood, such as heavy menstrual bleeding, the presence of an ulcer in the small intestine or stomach, cancer in the large intestine, in addition to the use of some pain-relieving medications without a prescription, especially aspirin, which can cause inflammation of the lining of the stomach, which is Which leads to blood loss.
Anemia caused by chronic diseases
It is infected in a person who does not have immune capacity, and he has no definitive treatment for this type of anemia, and this disease, if its symptoms are severe for the sufferer, blood transfusions or injections with synthetic erythropoietin can help relieve fatigue and produce red blood cells.
Pernicious Anemia
This type of anemia occurs due to several factors such as iron deficiency, chronic bleeding, vitamin B12 deficiency, the body's inability to absorb it, lack of nucleic acids, and other factors. In order to detect the underlying cause of anemia, blood level tests, and cell count analyses are performed. red blood.
Anemia due to a lack of vitamins
Not only does your body need iron, but it also needs vitamin B12 and folate to be able to produce enough healthy red blood cells for it, and any diet lacking in these essential vitamins or nutrients will result in reduced production of red blood cells.
Anemia due to inflammation
Some diseases can negatively affect the production of red blood cells such as AIDS, cancer, rheumatism, Crohn's, kidney and other chronic or severe inflammatory diseases.
Sickle cell anemia
It is a hereditary disease that can turn into a dangerous condition. It is caused by the wrong form of hemoglobin, as it works to force red blood cells to take an abnormal crescent shape, then these cells die early, causing chronic red blood cell deficiency.
What are the cases in which anemia occurs?
Anemia can be due to a congenital condition when a person is born, or it can be an acquired condition, A person gets anemia when there is not enough red blood cells in the blood, and this can happen in these cases:
- The body does not produce enough red blood cells, and then the bleeding results in the body losing red blood cells more quickly than replacing them.
- When the body destroys red blood cells.
What effective anemia treatment?
In order to treat anemia caused by low body iron stores, the attending physician may recommend taking iron supplements and addressing the cause of your low iron levels if needed.
The doctor can advise you to take available iron tablets without a prescription from him to fill the deficiency of iron stores in your body, and the doctor will tell you the appropriate dose for you, These tablets are also available in liquid form for children and infants.
To improve the chances of the body absorbing iron in these tablets, the following instructions can be followed:
- Take the tablets on an empty stomach as much as possible, but because they may cause stomach cramps, they can be taken with meals.
- Do not take tablets with antacids, as they may interfere with the immediate absorption of iron by the body. Therefore, they should be taken two hours before or four hours after taking antacids.
- Your doctor may recommend that you take tablets with orange juice or a vitamin C supplement to improve iron absorption by the body.
- Iron pills can lead to constipation, which is why your doctor may recommend stool softeners.
Of course, iron deficiency treatment does not take place overnight. You may need to take iron pills for several months or more to fill the low iron level. In general, you can feel the improvement after taking the treatment for about a week.
What are iron pills and who can take them?
Iron pills are known as iron supplements or another name, iron salts, which are some iron compounds used to prevent or compensate for a deficiency in the blood.
as this results in severe anemia, and it is preferable to use it by those whose body suffers from iron absorption in a way Bad or during pregnancy, it can also be taken by people who do not have a diet rich in iron. The person responsible for dispensing these pills is the doctor who dispenses them according to the patient’s condition and age as well.
Benefits of iron pills
You can know the causes of iron deficiency to avoid it, but if you are already infected with it, you should take iron pills that will bring many benefits to your body, including the following:
- Improvement of muscle functions.
- Transporting oxygen to the cells of the body.
- Enhancing the functions of the brain leads to preventing a person from dementia and Alzheimer’s.
- Treating muscle spasms and numbness in the legs.
- Regulating body temperature.
- Treatment of anemia and anemia.
- Treatment of anemia during pregnancy and menstruation in women.
- Eliminate the feeling of exhaustion and fatigue.
- Enhancing energy production in the body.
- The boost of metabolism.
- Insomnia treatment.
- sleep regulation.
Are iron pills used to treat anemia?
Yes, iron pills, or as they are called iron supplements are the best solution for treating anemia because they contain what the body needs in terms of minerals and vitamins. The most important of these pills are the following:
For Ferro Iron 30 tablets are characterized by its effective ingredients in treating iron deficiency, as it is one of the best iron supplements that you can use.
Evol Plus iron pills
Iron Evol Plus for the treatment of iron deficiency 30 tablets is one of the best supplements that are used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, as it contains iron and folic acid.
Pure Health Tri-Iron 30 tablets are characterized by their ability to enhance the level of iron in the body and restore it to its normal level, and it does not cause constipation or stomach disorders, in addition to containing vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, and folic acid, which are essential minerals that enhance the ability of The body absorbs iron, and the following groups can take this treatment:
- People with anemia or anemia.
- People who have iron deficiency.
- Cases of hair loss related to iron deficiency.
- Constant feeling of exhaustion and fatigue as a result of iron deficiency.
- pallor.
- Nails break due to iron deficiency.
Globe Fair Forte 40 tablets contain both iron and hemoglobin, which are necessary to treat anemia in the body. Among the advantages of this treatment are the following:
- It does not lead to side effects in the digestive system such as constipation or cramps.
- People who suffer from digestive problems, heart diseases, or kidneys can use it because these conditions cause hemoglobin and iron deficiency in the body.
- It is used by people who suffer from hair loss due to a low level of iron in their body.
- Restores normal levels of hemoglobin and iron in the body.
In the end, if you constantly feel exhausted and fatigued to the point of being unable to carry out your normal activities, this may be a sign of a lack of iron in your body. To treat this, you must know the causes of your iron deficiency and take the appropriate treatment through Spirit Pharmacy.