
8 Benefits of drinking water

8 Benefits of drinking water
  • posted_by : esraa
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The common benefits of drinking water

Most cells in the human body need water, but why? Are there many benefits of drinking water?

Yes, water is essential for all body functions, as it works on the following:

  • It facilitates absorption and digestion.
  • It regulates body temperature.
  • It is included in the formation of liquid secretions, which are tears, saliva, and stomach juices.
  • It moisturizes body tissues such as those in the nose, eyes, and mouth.
  • Helps remove toxins from the body



Benefits of drinking water, in detail


There are many benefits of drinking water for the human body, which are as follows:


Relieve fatigue

When feeling tired and exhausted, this may be due to not consuming the appropriate amount of drinking water, which resulted in the inefficiency of the body’s systems in performing its work, and fatigue is one of the first signs that appear due to the body’s dehydration.


Headache treatment and mood improvement

Research has shown that dehydration has a significant effect on headaches and negatively affects people's moods.

Therefore, drinking water in appropriate quantities prevents dehydration and greatly improves mood.


Treating constipation and aiding digestion

Constipation is one of the summer diseases that many people are exposed to due to lack of drinking water, as well as dry skin, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


lose weight

Water plays a role in losing weight, as research has shown that drinking two glasses of water before doing homework gives you a feeling of satiety because it fills the stomach and reduces appetite.

Thus, you cannot eat large amounts of food, which helps in losing weight, and also helps water to increase the rate of fat burning, and it burns fat cells permanently.



Water is an effective way to help you cleanse your body of all the toxins and waste that are present in it.

Toxins are eliminated by drinking water by excreting them from the body, either through sweat or urination.

Water also reduces the incidence of kidney stones, by dissolving minerals and salts in the urine.


Body temperature regulation

The body, especially in the summer, needs to drink large amounts of water in order to regulate the temperature in the body.


Decrease bad breath

Drinking water keeps the body hydrated, so it plays a role in eliminating bad breath because it keeps the mouth moist and helps get rid of food residues, and also eliminates bacteria stuck in the teeth or on the gums.


Maintaining healthy skin

Water intake plays a major role in blood flow, which helps regenerate skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases its smoothness and freshness continuously.



How much water do you drink by weight?

We must know that the amount of water needed by the body does not depend on weight only, but is related to body size and level of physical activity, as well as the place where the person resides.

In general, the rate of water intake on a daily basis is between 12 to 28 milliliters for every half kilogram of an individual’s weight, meaning that a person who weighs 75 kilograms should drink from 2.12 liters to 4.25 liters of water on a daily basis.

And if you live in areas that enjoy a stable climate and are considered cold areas, you can suffice with eating the minimum amount, but if you live in areas characterized by hot climates, you must eat the upper limit of that average so as not to be exposed to diseases from lack of drinking water.



Does drinking water gain weight?

No, water does not contribute to weight gain and is not one of its causes. Rather, drinking water helps in the process of losing weight.

Nutrition experts often follow a large intake of water in a healthy diet that helps in losing weight.

Where water helps in burning fats, and works to reduce appetite when you take it before meals.



Why is it important to drink water after sports?

Doctors advise to drink appropriate amounts of water when exercising, and people feel the need to drink large amounts of water after exercising.

This is in order to compensate for the large amounts of fluids that were lost during exercise, and it also works to heal the muscles and feel refreshed.

It is preferable to increase the percentage of water if the exercises continue for more than an hour.



Why is it important to drink water for infants?

Mothers are concerned about drinking water for infants, and pediatricians have confirmed that infants at the age of six months can drink water.

This is because this period is related to the consumption of milk, which is sufficient for him and does not need any other additives, and when he drinks water, he may lose his appetite for breastfeeding.

It is known that breast-feeding milk contains a large percentage of water, as the percentage of water in breast milk reaches 90%.



What is water fasting?

It is considered one of the dieting methods spread around the world is water fasting, and it is known that fasting in general has many health benefits, and the water fasting system was inspired by general fasting with the addition of a slight change.

Where everything is fasted except for drinking water and it is eaten within 24 hours, and the period may increase to 27 hours.

It must be known that research in this matter is still ongoing so that you can prove its benefits and know if there are any harms that may result from it.


And by continuing to drink water throughout the day, you will be able to avoid all the damages that result from lack of water intake. Also, if you encounter a health problem, you can contact the best pharmacy in Kuwait, which is Spirit Pharmacy, which has all the materials you need to maintain your health.

