Hair dyes - the best types and method of use

Types of hair dyes
There are 3 types of hair dyes, and they can be explained as follows:
- Temporary hair dye
This type of hair dye covers only the outer part of the hair, and therefore this type does not last for long periods of time after use.
- Semi-permanent hair dye
The color of this type lasts a few days after using the dye on the hair.
- Permanent hair dye
As for this type, it lasts longer than the other types, up to several weeks.
The best hair dyes
Many types of hair dyes have spread, so many feel confused while choosing the best among them, so we now explain to you the best types that you can use as follows:
- SanoTINT tincture
Sanotint dye is one of the best types of hair dyes that you can use because it is the safest type for hair and skin, it does not contain ammonia and there are no harmful substances, and it is characterized by containing the extract of the golden fat herb and a large amount of amino acids, and thus works on Replacing hair with the amount of keratin that it loses during the dyeing process, and you can now order your favorite color from this dye through Spirit Pharmacy from here.
- Palette dye
This dye is distinguished by its high content of nourishing oils, keratin, and panthenol, which works to provide double care for the hair and enhance its shine, and it does not contain ammonia.
- L'Oreal Paris dye
This dye gives the hair a distinctive and shiny natural color that lasts after washing it for long periods, and it is characterized by containing a group of moisturizing and nourishing substances for the hair.
- Garnier hair color
This dye contains olive oil and avocado oil, which works to nourish the hair during the dyeing process, and it is distinguished after it contains ammonia.
- Phyto dye
This dye is distinguished by its long-lasting color, as it is extracted from vegetable dyes, and is safe on the skin and does not cause any kind of allergy to the scalp.
How to use hair dyes?
Many people fall into the problem of the wrong use of hair dyes, which causes them not to reach the expected result, so we show you how to use hair dye at home in the following:
- First, hair should be washed with water only 24 to 48 hours before using hair dye.
- Avoid using any kind of hair creams, oils or conditioners after washing it with water.
- Make sure to put newspapers on the floor, in order to protect the floor in case the dye falls on it.
- Then put a towel over your shoulder.
- Then start combing your hair well, in order to untangle the tangles in the hair.
- Then use the comb to separate your hair into small sections.
- Then wear gloves and put a small amount of Vaseline around your neck and ear, in order to easily remove the dye that may spill on your skin.
- Then start distributing the dye to your hair by using the applicator brush.
- Make sure to distribute the dye well on your hair.
- Then put a plastic bag or plastic bonnet over your hair when you're done.
- Then leave the dye on your hair according to the specified period of dye, which is found on its packaging.
- After this period is over, make sure to rinse your hair with warm water well to make sure that there is no dye left in it.
Hair dye colors and their names
There are many distinctive hair dye colors, and therefore you must choose the color that suits your skin tone. The most famous hair dye colors and their names can be clarified as follows:
- The blonde color is from Sanotint, and you can buy it at the best price here.
- The distinctive black color of Sanotint dye, which many are looking for its wonderful degree, you can now order it online from here
- Brilliant red color.
- Chocolate brown color
- Caramel brown color.
Top tips for caring for dyed hair
Dyed hair needs special care, in order to preserve the hair color for as long as possible, so Spirit Pharmacy offers you an important set of tips that must be adhered to in order to preserve the hair after dyeing, and these tips are as follows:
- Make sure to use a shampoo that is specially formulated to take care of dyed hair during the dyeing period.
- Keep using hair conditioner regularly after dyeing your hair to keep it soft.
- Avoid wrapping hair with a towel after dyeing or drying it through it, and be sure to use a hair dryer for drying.
- Make sure to wear a hair hat while you are exposed to the sun during the day, in order to preserve the color of the dye.
- Avoid brushing your hair while it is wet.
- Make sure to use a wide-toothed comb while combing your hair.
Hair dye damage
There is no damage to the hair dye if you choose the type that contains natural materials that nourish and strengthen the hair, but if you choose a type of hair dye that contains ammonia or harmful substances such as para phenylene, multiple damages to the dye appear here, including:
- hair breakage
- Hair breakage.
- Increased porosity in hair.
- Dry hair.
- Poor hair.
- Increased hair tangles.
- hair loss
In the end, the use of hair dyes is not harmful in the event that you choose the best types of safe hair dyes that do not contain ammonia, so be sure to choose the type that does not contain ammonia. You should also be careful to choose hair dye that contains natural materials that work on Hair nourishment is like Sanotint dye. You should also order this dye from a reliable place such as Spirit Pharmacy to ensure that you get the guaranteed type at the best price.