Colic: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What are the symptoms of colic in children?
It is known that babies cry and cry during the first three months of their lives, and it is difficult to identify the true cause of crying.
The infant can continue crying for three hours in three days or within three weeks or more due to colic.
We will learn about Symptoms through the following points:
- There is a loud and intense noise even after the crying has subsided.
- Very intense crying, which may be more like a scream or an expression of pain or pain.
There is physical tension, which is one of the causes of colic symptoms, such as clenching of the fists of the hands, cramping of the arms, tension in the abdomen, tension or stiffness of the legs, or back arching.
- Facial color changes, such as flushing or redness of the skin, may occur.
- Some attacks occur at unexpected times, often in the evening.
- Intense crying without any apparent reason, unlike crying to express the need to change diapers or feeling hungry.
What are the symptoms of colic in adults?
Symptoms of colic in adults include:
- Vomiting and recovery.
- Flatulence.
- Anorexia.
- Gases out.
- Strange bowel movement.
- Back pain, especially at the bottom.
- Sometimes hard breathing.
What are the symptoms of colic when pregnant?
There are several symptoms of colic in pregnant women only, and these symptoms are:
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
- Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, between the thighs.
- Too much gas.
- vomiting a lot.
The most common cause of colic
There are several causes of colic, summarized as follows:
- Underfeeding, underfeeding, or overfeeding.
- Anxiety or stress in the family.
- Imbalance and regulation of healthy bacteria within the gut.
- Food intolerance or allergic reaction.
- Eat many foods that affect the colon and digestive system.
Colic treatment for children and pregnant women from the pharmacy
We will display a group of medicines for children and infants, as well as for adults and pregnant women. Follow the following:
- For the treatment of indigestion in infants and children, there is Bonisan syrup 120 ml, as it contains a group of natural herbs, and it also treats indigestion, colic, and gases, and works as an appetizer.
- Pimpy gas drops 30 ml work to get rid of intestinal gases in children, and it is a food supplement that comes in the form of drops.
- BCLQ Digestive Enzymes 80 Capsules It is a medicine that helps relieve stomach cramps in adults - adults - and it is considered a nutritional supplement and vitamin.
- Jaid syrup 200 ml, contains natural ingredients such as pepper, fennel and ginger, and works to reduce colic symptoms, which are gases and bloating inside the digestive system in adults, and is also useful in supporting the health of the digestive system.
- Biopolx Probiotic 10 Billion CFU, which is 60 capsules, it also works to improve the health of the digestive system, reduce potential problems within the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea, as well as promote beneficial bacteria within the digestive system in adults.
- And in order to treat the symptoms of colic in pregnant women, there is Panadol Advance 48 tablets, as it is gentle on the stomach, and works as a fever reducer and pain reliever, as it is suitable for people who suffer from sensitive and irritated stomachs and stomach ulcers.
Colic treatment for adults
Colic treatment for adults includes many life points - habits - that must be changed, as follows:
- Avoid caffeine (drinks, desserts).
- Eat light meals.
- Reducing the proportions of fiber.
- Take probiotics.
- Eat analgesic herbs such as chamomile, berries, ginger, and lemon.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Avoid lying down.
- Take a warm bath.
- Putting a warm water bottle on the abdomen "in the area where the pain is."
Colic treatment for pregnant women
It is known that the symptoms of colic appear in a pregnant woman, which we have talked about previously, as it is a condition related to many possible causes.
some of which may be dangerous and threaten the life of the child, and some are not dangerous, and to treat abdominal colic in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to determine the cause of the occurrence of colic, following the following paragraphs :
- Treatment of abdominal colic for pregnant women due to constipation
Adopting a diet low in fiber and fluids, reducing iron pills, and not exercising increases the likelihood of symptoms of abdominal colic.
Also, the hormonal changes that occur as a result of pregnancy can cause this problem, as pregnant abdominal cramps resulting from constipation are very severe pain.
Colic is classified as severe pain similar to stabbing pain or as a severe spasm. To treat colic for pregnant women resulting from constipation, one of the following recipes can be tried:
- Drink large amounts of water and fluids.
- Eat a diet that includes fiber.
- Exercising regularly during pregnancy.
- Treatment of colic for pregnant women due to gas and bloating
It is possible for severe pain in the pregnant belly; Due to flatulence and gases during the first and last months of pregnancy, due to high levels of the hormone progesterone during the first stage of pregnancy.
Also, due to the high size of the fetus and its pressure on all the organs adjacent to the uterus during the last stages of pregnancy, colic can be treated for pregnant women due to gases and bloating through some home and safe methods, which contain:
- Avoid gassy drinks and foods, such as fatty foods, whole grains, legumes, fried foods, and soft drinks.
- Eat in the form of small, varied meals distributed throughout the day.
- Improve digestion through exercise.
- Treatment of abdominal colic for pregnant women due to heartburn
Heartburn is one of the causes that lead to abdominal pain, and it is among the problems of the digestive system.
Symptoms of stomach cramps can also be treated for pregnant women due to heartburn through the following lines:
- Take antacids.
- Exercising regularly.
- Avoid eating meals rich in sugars, fats, and sour and spicy foods.
- Do not lie down or sleep immediately after eating.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients and fiber.
- Gently rubbing or massaging the abdomen.
Avoid all foods and meals that cause allergies, cabbage, and onions, as well as caffeine and other foods that cause bloating and irritation of the stomach.
At the end of the article, we got to know the causes and symptoms of colic in children, adults, and pregnant women as well. We also talked about treatment for all these people. You can follow the Spirit Pharmacy blog to know many medical information and other treatments for individuals of all ages.