what are prostate cancer symptoms ?

What is prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is a disease that affects the prostate gland and develops inside it, which is similar in shape to a walnut. This gland is responsible for the process of producing semen, which works to nourish and transport sperm.
New diagnostic methods have been used and treatment methods have become advanced and improved in recent years. This has been helped by the fact that this type of cancer remains confined within the gland and does not spread throughout the body like other cancers.
What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer goes through a first stage, and at that stage, no symptoms appear that the affected person can distinguish or notice. Most cases are diagnosed after the disease takes hold of the gland and spreads there. Below we learn about the symptoms:
Symptoms that occur in urination of prostate cancer
Some signs indicate the presence of problems with urination and indicate that the patient suffers from prostate enlargement resulting from gland cancer. These signs are as follows:
- Increased pressure in the process of urine flow.
- Difficulty urinating.
- Urine comes out at first and then stops more than once during the urination process.
Symptoms of the spread of prostate cancer in areas close to the gland
There are a group of symptoms that occur in areas near the prostate and are caused by cancer in the gland:
- The appearance of blood in the semen.
- The appearance of blood in the urine.
- Bone pain.
- Losing weight for no reason.
- Erectile dysfunction.
Causes of prostate cancer
The main factor for the occurrence of prostate cancer, and the reason for its development and formation in the gland, has still not been identified.
Scientists researching this disease have believed that its incidence is the result of a combination of different factors that cause its formation and development, and those factors are represented in the following:
- Lack of awareness of the seriousness of the disease among people and failure to undergo periodic examinations leads to people not discovering the disease and contracting it without knowing it in the early stages.
- When a man reaches the age of fifty, his risk of contracting the disease increases.
- If a sibling or father has this disease, the probability of contracting the disease is high.
- If a person eats a diet full of fat, a person is more likely to develop prostate cancer than others, as fat encourages the growth of cancer cells.
- High levels of testosterone, as this hormone increases the growth of the gland, causing it to become susceptible to prostate cancer. Taking medications that stimulate the action of this hormone will help the tumor spread and cause the gland to become enlarged.
Complications of prostate cancer
A patient with prostate cancer develops some complications due to the disease itself when not treated properly. There is a group of complications that are considered the most common, and they are as follows:
- Feeling sore.
- Depression.
- The spread of cancer in places near the gland.
- Having difficulty urinating.
- A person may experience weakness in sexual performance, and some may suffer from complete impotence.
Diagnosis of prostate cancer
When you feel that you are suffering from this disease, you should go to visit a doctor who specializes in treating the urinary tract and reproductive system, so that he can conduct a set of tests that help him diagnose the disease and find out if there is a need for surgery or not, and these are the tests that vary according to the case. The patient suffers from the following:
- Finger examination of the rectum.
- Biopsy of the prostate gland.
- Ultrasound imaging is done through the anus.
- Screening for prostate-specific antigen.
Determine the spread of prostate enlargement cancer
After confirming that a person has prostate cancer through the tests he has performed, some cases may require other tests to be performed to determine the extent of the disease, knowing that most men do not wait for additional tests to be performed and go to receive treatment that is determined based on The tumor specialist can perform the following tests:
- Ultrasound imaging.
- Bone scan.
- Biopsy of the lymph node
- Magnetic resonance imaging.
- Computerized tomography.
Treatment of prostate enlargement :
There are several methods used to treat this disease, and the most commonly used treatment methods are the following:
- Pharmacological treatments
Solari Prostate Protection 90 tablets are considered one of the best treatments used to protect the prostate and can be used at the beginning of prostate enlargement.
- External radiation treatments
This treatment is done through the use of powerful X-rays that destroy cancer cells in the gland. This method has proven effective, but the disease may attack healthy tissue when this method is used.
- Hormonal treatments
This treatment works to prevent the body's production of the male hormone testosterone so that it does not stimulate the production of cancer cells that cause prostate enlargement.
- Removal of the prostate gland
The use of surgery may help in treating the gland from the disease in some cases. The process of removing the prostate gland is performed, and it is performed in the case of a tumor confined to the gland, and the doctor removes the lymph nodes located next to it.
Here we conclude that prostate enlargement cancer is one of the diseases that requires going to the doctor to receive the appropriate treatment for the condition quickly. You can obtain medications through Spirit Pharmacy, the best pharmacy in Kuwait, and you will find that it has all types of medications that are used to treat this disease.