Childhood Vaccinations - Benefits and the schedule in Kuwait 2023

Childhood Vaccinations - Benefits and the schedule in Kuwait 2023
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What are children's vaccinations?

According to an approved vaccination schedule, child vaccinations are a series of vaccines that are given to children at different stages of their life.

These vaccinations also aim to protect children from dangerous infectious diseases and strengthen their immune systems. There are many types of vaccinations for children and they differ according to the age of the child. We will now talk about these types.



Types of childhood vaccinations

The types of basic childhood vaccinations that are given to children include the following:


  • Smallpox (measles and mumps) vaccination:

The smallpox vaccination protects against measles and mumps, which are common viral diseases that can cause serious complications.


  • Diphtheria and tetanus vaccination:

The diphtheria and tetanus immunization protects children against diphtheria and tetanus, two bacterial diseases that cause sore throat and nose and can be serious.


  • Whooping cough vaccination:

The pertussis vaccination protects against pertussis, a disease that causes persistent, persistent coughing and can be dangerous for babies.


  • Polio vaccinations:

The polio vaccine protects children from the poliovirus, which affects the nervous system and causes muscle weakness or paralysis.


  • Meningitis vaccination:

The meningitis vaccination protects against this viral infection that affects the nervous system and can be fatal.



Types of year-old vaccinations

There are several types of vaccinations given to the child at the age of one year, and these vaccinations are as follows:

  • Polio vaccinations.
  • Smallpox vaccination (measles and mumps).
  • Chickenpox vaccination.
  • Hepatitis A vaccination.



Side effects of the one-year-old vaccination

In some cases of vaccination at the age of one year, we find that they are affected by the vaccination and show some symptoms, such as:

  • Pain at the injection site, rash, or fever.
  • Consecutive vomiting.
  • The child can get encephalitis.
  • Swelling and redness at the injection site.
  • High temperature of the child.



Ways to protect the child from the side effects of vaccinations at the age of one year

For the child to remain healthy and avoid any problems due to the vaccination, parents should take care of the following:

  • If a child is severely immunosuppressed or has had an allergic reaction after receiving a previous dose of measles vaccine, he or she should not be vaccinated.
  • Do not give the vaccine to the child if there is a severe rise in the child's temperature until it is lowered.
  • Take care of the child's comfort after vaccination and apply water compresses if pain and redness appear at the injection site.



The best-strengthening medicines to relieve pain in a one-year-old

Several medicines can be purchased to strengthen the pain of a one-year-old child after vaccinations, and the best of them are the following:

Adol Drops act as an analgesic and antipyretic for infants and is used to relieve mild to moderate pain, including teething and vaccination pain.

It is also used to relieve symptoms of fever, and high temperature, and reduce discomfort that may result from infections, especially in the case of cold and flu.

Panadol syrup for children is one of the best gentle medicines on the stomach, which contributes to reducing fever and relieving pain in infants and children, which results from:

  1. toothache.
  2. Throat pains.
  3. Vaccination pains.
  4. infections.



The most famous names of children's vaccinations

Now we will get acquainted with the most prominent names of children’s vaccinations that a child receives at his age, as follows:

  • Diphtheria-tetanus [DTaP-Hib-IPV] vaccination.
  • Measles and chickenpox [MMRV] vaccination.
  • Pneumococcal infection [PCV] vaccination.
  • Hepatitis B virus vaccination.
  • Hepatitis A vaccination.
  • Rotavirus vaccination [ROTA].
  • Human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccination.
  • Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (Tdap) vaccination.



Benefits of childhood vaccinations

Child vaccinations have many benefits, which we will now talk about in detail. Let’s go:

  • Vaccinations boost children's immune systems and protect them from serious infectious diseases, including measles, mumps, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, meningitis, and more.
  • Protect the child from diseases that can cause serious harm or death.
  • The production of antibodies to resist the disease in question, and to fight microbes when exposed to them.
  • Reducing the spread of communicable diseases in the community, in general, means protecting unvaccinated children as well, such as young infants and immunosuppressed children.
  • Avoid serious complications that result from infectious diseases, such as pneumonia, meningitis, hepatitis, heart infection, paralysis, infertility, and death.
  • Reduces the risk of disease and its complications.

Vaccination contributes to collective protection, as the percentage of immunized people becomes higher, which reduces the spread of diseases in the community.



Schedule of childhood vaccinations in Kuwait

The State of Kuwait is very interested in vaccinating children at specific times, and the country has issued a schedule of vaccinations for children in Kuwait in 2023, which is as follows:

How to vaccinate?



vaccination type

Intramuscular injection in the shoulder

Pregnant mother at the fifth month of the first pregnancy

Two doses of tetanus toxoid in the fifth and seventh months of the first pregnancy

Intramuscular injection in the shoulder

Pregnant mother at the fifth month of the first pregnancy

A dose of tetanus toxoid at every next pregnancy

Intramuscular injection in the thigh

The first day of the baby's birth

First dose of hepatitis B vaccine

Intramuscular injection in the thigh

At the end of the second month of life

One-dose parenteral poliovirus - IPV

Intramuscular injection in the other thigh

At the end of the second month of life

First dose of nemococcal bait

Intradermal injection above the shoulder

end of the third month of life

Tuberculosis vaccination - BCG

mouth drops

At the end of the fourth month

First dose of oral polio - type 1,2,3

Intramuscular injection

At the end of the fourth month

A second dose of the penta bait

Intramuscular injection in the other thigh

At the end of the fourth month

Second dose of nemococcal bait

mouth drops

At the end of the sixth month

Second dose of oral polio - type 1,2,3

Intramuscular injection

At the end of the sixth month

Third dose of penta bait

Intramuscular injection in the other thigh

At the end of the sixth month

Third dose of nemococcal bait

Subcutaneous injection in the upper arm

At the end of the first year of life

The first dose of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine

mouth drops

At the end of the first year of life

Third dose of oral polio - type 1,2,3

mouth drops

At the end of the eighteenth month

Polio booster - type 1,2,3

Intramuscular injection

At the end of the eighteenth month

An invigorating dose of quintuple taste

Intramuscular injection in the other thigh

At the end of the eighteenth month

An invigorating dose of nemococcal taste

Subcutaneous injection

At the end of the second year of life

Meningococcal meningitis tetralogy

Subcutaneous injection in the upper arm

At the end of the second year of life

The second dose of the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine

mouth drops

At the age of three and a half years

Polio booster - type 1,2,3

Intramuscular injection

At the age of three and a half years

A dose of the triple vaccine - diphtheria - tetanus - whooping cough.

Subcutaneous injection Intramuscular injection

Sixth grade from 10 to 12 years old

Booster dose of measles-rubella-mumps vaccine for females

Subcutaneous injection Intramuscular injection

Sixth grade from 10 to 12 years old

Taste of diphtheria and tetanus

Intramuscular injection

The fourth grade of secondary school is from 16 to 18 years old

Taste of diphtheria and tetanus


According to the previous schedule, mothers and fathers can adhere to vaccination doses to maintain the health of their children.

In the end, we would like to mention the importance of children’s vaccinations and not neglecting them under any circumstances. Preserving the health of our children is a necessary thing that we must always strive for, and Spirit Pharmacy is the best online pharmacy in Kuwait that provides all medicines that help children prevent diseases and combat pain.


