Best Types of antipyretic suppositories for Children

There are many types of antipyretic suppositories that are used when children have a fever and high temperature. This is one of the things that most worries the mother and her anxiety about her children, so she is always careful to choose the most effective types that can be used.
In this article, we will discuss the types of temperature suppositories available at Spirit Pharmacy, the best online pharmacy in Kuwait, and the most important advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
Advantages of antipyretic suppositories
There are many advantages that can be found in antipyretic suppositories, as they help relieve many of the pains that a person feels and help him carry out daily activities without feeling pain. Thanks to these suppositories, a person can get rid of pain, and among the most important of these advantages we mention the following:
- The best types of effective antipyretic suppositories are used to treat high temperature and fever, whether for adults or children.
- These types of medications also relieve middle ear pain and treat infections in the ear.
- It is also used to relieve pain in the throat, nose, and ear, as well as throat infections.
- An effective treatment for patients with high fever.
- It also works as a pain reliever for all headaches.
- It is also very effective in treating inflammation of the muscles and joints of the body.
- Fever-reducing suppositories are also used in some cases when treating pain resulting from surgical operations.
Disadvantages of antipyretic suppositories
There are also many advantages that you can get when taking antipyretic suppositories, but there are also many disadvantages that appear with repeated use, especially when using types that are not appropriate for the individual’s health condition, or if he has some warnings that prevent him from taking these. Types, the most important disadvantages of using them are the following:
- Feeling stomach pain due to ulcers in the stomach and duodenum due to repeated use of antipyretic suppositories.
- Feeling dizzy and dizzy.
- Some types of these medications cause vomiting and nausea, especially when used before eating, or when used in excessive doses.
- Sometimes diarrhea or constipation occurs due to taking certain types of antipyretic suppositories if they are not suitable for the patient’s age or body, especially for children.
- Sometimes indigestion occurs.
- A feeling of bloating in the abdomen.
- Sometimes skin rashes and allergies occur as a result of using certain types of suppositories.
- Dryness and roughness of the skin.
- Feeling sleepy, lethargic, and unable to wake up for long periods.
The best type of antipyretic suppositories for children
There are many types of antipyretic suppositories that are used at home, and mothers are keen to use them with children because they are very effective and work to relieve pain as quickly as possible.
The best types of antipyretic suppositories are those whose side effects are few and their side effects are almost non-existent. They are often the types that every mother prefers to ensure her children's safety and not cause any other health problems when used.
One of the best types of fever-reducing suppositories on the market is Benadrex 125 mg 10, which you can get from Spirit Pharmacy online from anywhere in Kuwait.
This medicine is considered one of the most effective medicines in lowering body temperature and works to reduce body pain resulting from colds, bone pain, throat pain, and other usual pains associated with fever and high temperature.
There is also another type of analgesic medication that helps reduce fever effectively. It is completely safe for children and adults and does not cause any serious side effects that the mother fears for her child. The most important of these medications is Adol 250 mg/10, which is used for children as a suppository. Topical: It is used with compresses and works to reduce fever in record time.
The best type of antipyretic suppositories for infants
Many types of antipyretic suppositories can be used for infants under the age of two years. This age is considered one of the most sensitive ages to be treated with medications, especially when the mother uses home medications without consulting a doctor. Therefore, it is necessary to use completely safe types of medications that do not Cause any kind of problems to children.
Adol topical suppositories and Benadrex suppositories can be considered among the safest types of suppositories suitable for this age.
Of course, the doctor must be consulted about the type of medications that are prescribed for the child before giving him any type. Despite this, these types of medications that we mentioned are considered among the types that most doctors prescribe to the mother, as they are completely safe types.
Causes of high temperature in children
There are many reasons that can cause a high temperature, especially in children, which require the use of safe antipyretic suppositories suitable for the child. Among the most important of these reasons we mention the following:
- Colds that children are exposed to, especially in the winter.
- Teething is one of the most common causes of fever in a child, which means the growth of baby teeth.
- Taking some medications that have side effects, including high temperature.
- Taking the periodic vaccinations that children receive from birth to 5 years of age, which are often injections that cause high fever.
- Some types of antibiotics cause high fever in children, especially those contained in vaccinations.
- There are some other reasons that cause high temperatures in children and require taking fever-reducing suppositories, including sitting in the sun for long periods, or eating some types of foods that increase the temperature, especially spicy foods.
Some alternative methods used to reduce the temperature
There are some methods that can be used to reduce temperatures without taking medications, or they can also be used with them to help reduce the temperature quickly. These methods include the following:
- Spirit Pharmacy has types of gel compresses that reduce temperature in children.
- Drinking cold drinks helps lower the temperature.
- Also, loosening the child’s clothes and staying away from woolen clothes reduces the temperature, and it is better to wear cotton clothes.
- Stay away from sunlight as much as possible and sit in damp and cool places.
- The child's entire body can be placed in a bathtub filled with cold water, which causes his temperature to drop faster. Only his head can be placed underwater.
- Use traditional compresses to reduce the temperature.
At the end of this article, we learned about the best types of antipyretic suppositories that you can get through Spirit Pharmacy, the best online pharmacy in Kuwait, and the most important advantages and disadvantages of each of them. We also learned about the causes of high temperature in children.