Learn about the benefits of vitamin D for your child

Learn about the benefits of vitamin D for your child
  • posted_by : Ahmad Ram
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Benefits of vitamin D for children

There are many benefits that Vitamin D has for children, especially in the breastfeeding stage. It is considered the essential vitamin that contributes to the process of absorbing the essential minerals that build bones, such as calcium and phosphate, and its presence in healthy proportions protects the body from the famous bone diseases that may affect children in the early stages. 

  • The early stages of growth, such as osteomalacia or rickets, as well as osteoporosis.
  • The benefits of vitamin D for children also include:
  • Protecting children from curvature of the spine
  • It helps children in the process of growing strong and solid bones and protects them from common bone diseases such as: rickets or osteomalacia.
  • Promotes tooth growth for children, especially in the first teething stage.
  • It helps the child take his first steps while learning to walk.
  • It contributes to protecting the child from being exposed to bowed legs.
  • It strengthens the child's immunity against various diseases and activates and strengthens the children's immune system.
  • It protects the child from the possibility of developing type 1 diabetes.



Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in children

There are many symptoms that help you know if your child suffers from a vitamin D deficiency or not, including the following:

  • Teeth do not grow normally, and teething is delayed.
  • Easily cracked and deformed teeth.
  • Delayed growth and short height of the child.
  • Feeling pain in the bones, especially in the morning and before bed.
  • Muscle pain and cramps.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Bone deformities.
  • The child suffers from rickets.
  • The child's legs are bowed, and he is unable to walk.
  • The child suffers from osteomalacia.
  • The occurrence of frequent bouts of shortness of breath.
  • The child becomes tense and nervous for no reason.
  • The child is easily exposed to bone fractures.
  • Weak heart muscles.
  • Weakness of the immune system and frequent bouts of cold and flu.
  • Soft skull problem.
  • Low weight and poor growth of the child beyond normal rates.



Sources of vitamin D for children

There are many sources from which you can obtain Vitamin D, which are as follows:


Sun rays

Sun rays are the primary source of vitamin D. A large portion of the skin must be exposed to sunlight in order to obtain a sufficient amount of the vitamin, and it can be obtained through the following instructions:

  • Your child should be exposed to sunlight early in the morning or shortly before sunset.
  • Your child should be exposed to the sun for a period not exceeding 15 minutes.
  • Use sunscreen to protect from the sun's rays.


Eat foods that contain vitamin D

Vitamin D is found in many natural foods, but their number is limited, and the most important sources of it are the following natural foods:

  • eggs.
  • Meat.
  • Oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna.
  • Orange.
  • Soy milk.
  • Yogurt.
  • Beef liver.


Nutritional supplements

Vitamin D is available in pharmacies in the form of nutritional supplements. You can provide them to the child, but you must consult a specialist doctor first, in order to determine the dose that the child needs, according to the child’s deficiency rates.



Vitamin D dosage for children

Special doses of Vitamin D are given in the form of a daily dose or a weekly dose, and the recommended dose of Vitamin D is considered as follows:


Daily vitamin D

The recommended daily doses of vitamin D vary depending on age, such as:

  • Infants from birth to one year of age are given a daily vitamin dose of 400 international units, taken in the form of oral drops.
  • Children from one year up to the age of 18 are given a daily vitamin dose of 600 international units per day.



The best vitamin D medicine for children

There are many medications that contribute to increasing the level of vitamin D in children, including:

  • Double Her Active Vitamin D Drops 30 ml work to compensate for vitamin D deficiency in children and protect them from osteoporosis, rickets, and bowel syndrome as well.
  • Vitamin D for children 600 IU 100 chewable tablets help maintain the child’s general health and improve the health of his bones and teeth.
  • Viet Baby Dal 90 capsules are important for the child’s health and the health of his teeth and bones during the growth period.
  • Grasberg Vitamin D 3 Drops - 400 IU - 50 ml enhances the absorption of calcium in the body and enhances the functioning of the immune system. It also contributes to improving the child’s health and growth in order to help him build bones and teeth and maintain nervous balance in the body.
  • ActiKid multivitamins for children from birth to 3 years old are one of the best nutritional supplements that enhance the child’s growth and help in the growth of bones, muscles, and teeth in a natural and healthy way.
  • Multiball Vitamin D lollipops for children aged 4 years. These lollipops provide essential vitamins and nutrients that help in the proper growth and development of the child. They also contribute to enhancing bone health, and resistance to infection, and have an impact on mental health.
  • All of these medications are available at Spirit Pharmacy, the best online pharmacy in Kuwait, providing all medical treatments and nutritional supplements for Vitamin D.


In the end, we have finished talking about the benefits of vitamin D for children, as the vitamin plays an important role in many functions and organs of the body, and you can learn a lot of medical information when you follow the blog of Spirit Pharmacy, the best online pharmacy in Kuwait.
