
Hypertension - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment in 2023

Hypertension - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment in 2023
  • posted_by : Ahmad Ram
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Causes of high blood pressure

Most adults and the elderly develop high blood pressure, and although the reasons behind high pressure are not known, there is a belief that it is caused by genetic factors, aging, the eating system, and others, which is what we review below:


Aging is aging

The chances of developing high blood pressure increase as the individual ages, and this may be for many reasons, including the following:


Family history

Heredity has a major role in high blood pressure; the chances of an individual developing high blood pressure increase if one of his parents, grandparents, or siblings is infected with him.



It is one of the most common causes of high blood pressure in young people; it increases the burden above the heart and more pressure above the blood vessels, which causes high pressure.


Idleness and decreased body activity

Decreased physical activity and lethargy result in high blood pressure, and exercise in contrast helps to secrete hormones from the body that prepare to lower blood pressure.


Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes has a significant effect on kidney function, although people with diabetes often experience high blood pressure before it comes to affect the patient's kidneys.



Symptoms of high blood pressure

Most people with high blood pressure do not feel any symptoms, high blood pressure can cause headaches, chest pain, and other symptoms, and several symptoms can appear in people with severe high blood pressure, including the following:

  • The headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Pain in the chest area
  • Difficulty breathing
  • The throwing
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Blurring the vision
  • Confusion.
  • Anxiety.
  • Nasal hemorrhage.
  • Tinnitus in the ears.
  • Irregular heartbeat.



Sudden hypertension

Sudden hypertension is not a natural symptom because several deaths and strokes have been reported as a result.

In addition, sudden high blood pressure is a serious problem that may result in the death of a person and therefore should be controlled immediately. Among the most prominent symptoms of sudden high pressure are the following:

  • Sudden headache
  • The rotor.
  • Dizziness.
  • Difficulty maintaining body balance.
  • Severe pain in the chest area.
  • Cathything and nausea.
  • Nasal hemorrhage.
  • Sweating.
  • Redness of the face.
  • Heart rhythm disorder.



Treatment of high blood pressure in the head at home

If you have high blood pressure, you may be wondering if drug treatments are important in lowering it or not. 

However, lifestyle changes play an important role in treating high blood pressure. Blood pressure control through a healthy lifestyle can spare you the need for medicines or delay your need for them. 

The following we review the most important lifestyle changes that can lower the level of blood pressure and keep it so:


Lose weight

Often the level of blood pressure rises when you gain weight, and this increase may also result in a breathing disorder when sleeping, which leads to high blood pressure levels as well.


Regular exercise work

Regular physical activity can lower blood pressure by 5 to 8 mm, and the exercises through which blood pressure levels can be lowered are running, walking, swimming, dancing, and cycling.


A diet that is good for health

  • Your blood pressure level can be lowered by following an eating regimen containing whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and reducing cholesterol and saturated fats, and you can reduce blood pressure by up to 11 mm.
  • Reducing the amount of salt in the diet
  • Reducing the salt content of the diet can improve heart health and lower blood pressure by 5 to 6 mm.


Minimise drinking alcoholic beverages

Reducing the dose of alcohol to less than one cup during the day for women, and less than two glasses per day for men can lower your blood pressure level by about 4 mm.


Quit smoking

Smoking raises blood pressure and of course, quitting it lowers pressure levels, reducing the chances of heart disease and improving the general state of health, resulting in a longer life.



Treatment of high blood pressure from the pharmacy

The appropriate type of treatment for high blood pressure is determined based on the cause of its occurrence and the patient's health condition, and the drugs that can be taken to treat high blood pressure include the following:


Isoptin SR 240 mg 20 tablets

Isopentane SR 240 mg contains 20 tablets of a drug group called calcium channel blockers, which are drugs that block the entry of calcium into the cells of the heartbeat, which leads to its relaxation, and it is used in the treatment of high blood pressure, cardiac angina, and disturbed heartbeat. 

The drug is available online at Spirit Pharmacy and you can buy it by clicking here.


Acetal 50 mg 30 tablets

Acetal is used in the treatment of high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetes, heart attacks, and other conditions, and cannot be used during pregnancy if you exceed three months, and for children under one year of age, you can purchase the drug through Spirit Pharmacy by clicking here.


Atacand 16 mg 28 tablets

Atacand 16 mg is used in the treatment of high blood pressure, kidney disease, and heart failure, and its side effects include a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, kidney dysfunction, pain in the back area, rhinitis, pharyngitis, headache, and you can order Atacand 16 mg 28 tablets online through Spirit Pharmacy via the link from here.


In the end, dear, high blood pressure is one of the most annoying things that some people suffer from, so if you are one of them, do not worry, but be sure to avoid its causes and receive the appropriate treatment for, and you can now get the best medicines used to treat it online through Spirit Pharmacy, the best pharmacy in Kuwait.

