Headache - Types, Causes, and Most Important Treatment Methods.

Headache - Types, Causes, and Most Important Treatment Methods.
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 Headaches are a common issue that disrupts daily life. Here, we outline its types and the best treatment methods for effective relief.

Types of headache

There are two main types of headaches, the first type is the primary headache and the second type is the secondary headache.

First: the initial headache

This type of headache occurs due to excessive activity in the muscles of the brain, blood vessels, neck, or one of the brain regions, or it is a result of a disturbance or change in the chemicals in the brain, which is considered one of the winter diseases that come because they have a disorder in blood pressure levels. Among the types of this headache are the following:

1. Tension headache

It is a pain in the head that results from the tension of the neck muscles as well as the scalp. It is considered the most common type, and it occurs most of the time due to tension and wrong brain positions.

2. Migraine

This type of headache causes severe pain to the patient, and this pain is usually on one side of the brain, and it occurs in the form of bouts of different intensity and duration. This type is also divided into multiple types, and it can affect both children and adults as well.

Second: secondary headache

This type of headache is associated with a specific medical condition that results in head pain, for example, a head injury. Types of secondary headaches include:

1. Sinus headache

This headache is caused by a tumor or inflammation in the lining tissues of the sinuses.

2. Spinal headache

This headache is caused by the slow leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, and most often occurs after an epidural or spinal anesthesia.

3. Tumor headache and cerebral hemorrhage

There is no large space inside the skull, and this results in the growth of tumors, whether benign or malignant or blood pooling in the skull, causing pressure on the brain tissue, which causes a feeling of pain in the brain.

4. Cervical headaches

It results in damage to the discs located between the vertebrae of the spine, which results in pressure on the spine, and this damage to the discs usually causes a headache and pain in the neck area.

5. Thunder headache

It is a sharp pain that appears suddenly without previous symptoms and extends for up to five minutes, and this headache can be a sign of a problem with the blood vessels of the brain and often requires emergency medical care.

Causes of headache

Headache is one of the symptoms that occur to many, and it can be emergency or chronic. The following are the causes of headaches:

  • Insomnia.
  • Stress and depression.
  • Feeling exhausted and stressed.
  • Not eating enough fluids during the day.
  • Eat foods that contain a large percentage of preservatives.
  • Stiffness in the muscles of the jaws or neck.
  • Infections in the brain area such as sinusitis or middle ear infection.

Causes of migraine

Migraine is known as migraine, and it is a feeling of pain in the front of the head that extends to the sides of the head as well. Among the causes of migraine are the following:

  • Genetic factors.
  • stress and anxiety
  • body fatigue.
  • Stress.
  • Change in body hormones, vitamin B12 levels, and other vitamins.

When is a headache dangerous?

A headache may cause a feeling of very sharp pain because it occurs frequently or continuously, and its pain can be alleviated by taking a break or taking therapeutic medications or fluids, and a headache should not be ignored, regardless of its intensity, severe or mild, because many people suffer From the occurrence of headaches regularly, and below we review the danger signs when a person gets a headache, which are:

  • Sudden onset of headache.
  • The emergence of headaches in people over the age of fifty years.
  • Increased headache.
  • The appearance of headache is accompanied by focal neurological signs such as disturbance of vision, numbness, loss of consciousness, and weakness.

Cluster headache

Cluster headaches occur periodically and are the most painful types of headaches. They usually cause you to wake up from your sleep in the middle of the night while you feel sharp pain in one of the eyes or around them on one side of your brain. Cluster periods can last from weeks to months, and after the headache stops, it is usually followed by periods. long to recover.

The attack of a cluster headache comes quickly and is usually not preceded by any warning, however, at first, you may have a feeling of nausea, and the symptoms and signs of this common headache include the following:

  • Feeling a sharp pain in one eye, around or behind it, and this pain can spread to other areas in your face, neck, and head.
  • Pain on one side.
  • An increase in brain secretion.
  • Redness of the eye on the affected side.
  • Runny nose or blockage on the affected side.
  • Sweating of the face or forehead on the affected side.
  • Pale skin or redness in the face.
  • Inflammation in the area around the eye in the affected area.
  • Eye relaxation in the affected area.

Causes of constant headache

A continuous headache is called a chronic headache, and it lasts for more than fifteen days during the month, and for three consecutive months. The following are the reasons for the occurrence of a continuous headache, which are:

1. Being stressed

The relationship between feeling stressed and headaches has been scientifically proven, because when a person gets stressed, his body muscles generally spasm, and the intensity of these spasms increases in the head and neck area, which causes the person to have a headache.

2. Suffering from dehydration

When you get a headache, you have to think about your daily habits, which means the need to follow your day well. One of the important things to follow is the amount of water you drink per day, which may be the reason for your dehydration.

3. Anemia

Anemia occurs due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells, which reduces the amount of oxygen gas transported to the tissues of the body as well.

4. Chronic diseases

Because chronic diseases cause constant headaches such as alopecia or diabetes.

Headache Treatment

Many medications can be taken to treat headaches, including the following:

1. Panadol Advance 48 Tablets

Panadol Advance is one of the remedies for relieving pain and reducing body temperature. It decomposes faster than regular tablets, and it is used in the treatment of fever, colds and flu, headaches, menstrual pain, and arthritis.

2. Panadrex 500 mg 96 tablets

Panadrex is one of the remedies for relieving pain in general, and it is suitable for headaches, back pain, muscle pain, rheumatism, menstrual pain, and toothache. You can buy Panadrex 500 mg 96 tablets online through Spirit Pharmacies to treat headaches.

3. Catafilm 50 mg 20 tablets

Cataflam 50 is used to treat bone and joint infections such as back pain, acute gout, arthritis, joint sprains, muscle strain, and sports injuries, and you can buy it from Spirit Pharmacies.

4. Panadol Extra

Panadol Extra 48 tablets are one of the best medicines that help get rid of headaches, and it is an effective analgesic for the severe pain that you feel.

In the end, you can now get rid of the headache that afflicts you and makes you feel uncomfortable because of its continuation, and it may make you feel nervous in many cases, and the best types of headache medicine are now available online, and therefore you can order it through the best pharmacy in Kuwait, Spirit Pharmacy.
