
Cough - When It Becomes Serious

Cough - When It Becomes Serious
  • posted_by : esraa
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When Is a Cough Serious?

There are some cases in which, if accompanied by a cough, it is dangerous at that time and requires a doctor’s visit and consultation, and these cases are:

  • Chronic cough that lasts more than three weeks.
  • Cough getting worse.
  • The presence of pain in the chest area.
  • Sharp and unreasonable weight loss.
  • swollen lymph nodes.
  • The feeling of difficulty and shortness of breath.
  • The presence of a large amount of sputum that is yellow and sometimes green in color.
  • bloody cough
  • A sharp rise in body temperature.
  • Self whistling.
  • Water retention in the feet.
  • Choking or vomiting with coughing.



Best cough medicine

Cough can be treated with some medications prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist at times, and the most important of these medications include:


Bronkov cough syrup 150 ml

Bronkov Cough Syrup 150 ml consists of a natural combination of herbs that help eliminate coughing. Due to the presence of several active substances in it that help expel phlegm, in addition to its ability to treat respiratory diseases such as congestion and a sore throat. Among the benefits that Bronkov syrup will give you are the following:

  • Helps calm the severity of the cough.
  • Expelling phlegm with ease.
  • Expansion of the airways.


Prospan cough syrup

Prospan syrup is one of the most effective cough remedies. Due to its ability to reduce its intensity and remove mucus in the airways, you can buy it online through Spirit Pharmacy by clicking here.


Broncare syrup 120 ml

Broncare syrup is one of the best cough medicine, as it is a medicine extracted from natural herbs that work to treat cough and respiratory diseases caused by infection.

And you can easily order this medicine through Spirit Pharmacy by clicking here.


Jufix Forte cough syrup 100 ml

Juvex Forte Syrup contributes to relieving cough and bronchial infections in children, in addition to its role in reducing phlegm and strengthening functions related to the respiratory system. You can now buy Juvex syrup online through Spirit Pharmacy by clicking here.



Treatment of severe cough at night

Everyone suffers from a cough from time to time, and sometimes it becomes more severe at night and is then called a nocturnal cough. When infected with this type of cough, it becomes difficult for the patient to sleep as usual. We review the following 4 ways by which one can sleep better during the night:


1. Honey

Honey contributes to preventing inflammation of the respiratory system, such as a cold, which may cause coughing. Honey is also antifungal and antiviral and can reduce cough times and severity during the night. Therefore, honey can be considered the ideal drink before bedtime in the event of a cough.


2. Warm drinks

Drinking hot drinks such as chicken soup and hot tea can relieve coughing and sneezing, as well as a runny nose. Therefore, it is recommended to have a warm drink or a plate of hot soup in the evening if you are worried about coughing, as this can help you improve the quality of your sleep and feel better.


3. Raise the head and neck

The so-called postnasal drip increases when you lie flat due to gravity, so supporting your neck and head with pillows can improve this condition, and it is recommended to use many pillows or a sponge pillow to feel comfortable when lying down.


4. Hydration

Some studies indicated that a high level of humidity can clean the nasal passages if the room is dry, and for this reason, it is recommended to place the device for humidifying the air at a rate ranging from 30 to 50% through distilled water, and then leave it on the bedside table, and if the device contains a timer, it can be set to a number From the hours until it is turned off during sleep.



Cough treatment for pregnant women

There are many ways and tips through which a cough can be relieved in pregnant women, including the following:

  • Sleep enough.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Eat healthy food.
  • Rinse with a solution of salt.
  • Drink tea mixed with honey or lemon.


As for medicines, it is better not to use them in the first three months of pregnancy, as they are the most important stage in the development of the fetus, and for this reason, a specialist doctor should be consulted before taking any kind of medicine during pregnancy.



Treat dry cough at home

A dry cough is one of the types of cough that is not associated with the presence of phlegm in the throat and often causes pain in the throat. There are a number of home remedies that are effective in treating this cough, the most prominent of which are the following:


1 . Honey recipe

Honey is one of the old remedies for dry cough, and therapeutic medicines for this type of cough contain it due to its ability to soothe the throat and get rid of mucus, in addition to being an antimicrobial and antioxidant.


2. Turmeric recipe

Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin, which is known for its ability to resist bacteria, viruses and infections. Therefore, it is a useful remedy for dry cough. A spoonful can be placed in water and placed over a fire until it boils and the quantity is reduced to half, after which a spoonful of honey is placed in it and it is drunk warm.


3. Gingerbread recipe

Ginger is a natural analgesic, in addition to its presence in many cough medicines, and it can be taken three times as a warm drink every day, or the chest area can be rubbed using ginger powder, in addition to the possibility of chewing pieces of it to treat dry cough.


4. Garlic recipe

Garlic contains a group of elements that fight bacteria and viruses, and it is one of the powerful home remedies known for its ability to get rid of a dry cough. Because it contains what is called the element allicin, and it is used by placing some of it in a cup of water while it is boiling, and after the water has cooled, a small spoonful of honey is added.


5. Licorice recipe

Licorice is used to treat dry cough by boiling it in water and leaving it for a period of 15 to 20 minutes, then it is drunk, and this process is repeated twice during the day.


6. Gargle with salt water

Gargling with salt and water is a useful remedy for dry cough, and this can be done by placing a small spoonful of salt in a large cup of water, and this mixture is used to gargle many times, and each time the gargle is continuously for fifteen seconds.



At the end of our article, we have presented the most effective remedies for getting rid of the annoying coughing problem that causes pain and the inability to breathe as usual. After consulting a doctor, you can order the medicines we have described online through the best pharmacy in Kuwait, Spirit Pharmacy, and you will receive it quickly.
